Back in The Before Time, in The Long Long Ago, Red Letter Media made a set of feature length Mr. Plinkett Reviews of the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy.
They were incisive, entertaining, and above all, novel.
Now? Epic reviews are multiplying at an exponential rate. Soon as fresh content comes out, vast swarms of YouTube reviewers descend upon it and tear it to pieces.
It used to be just Siskel & Ebert. Today there are a LOTS of smart, media savvy citizen reviewers.
One such is Angela Collier, who's made a long (3 hours, 47 minutes) video on Star Trek: Picard, and why she didn't like it, from the perspective of a TNG fan. This one stood out.
I don't intend to review the review (it could be trimmed down a little), that'd be too meta; I'll just say she makes some great points:
I also hate Section 31. It undermines Roddenberry's vision of the future.